Friday 7 November 2014

Expensive gemstones used in jewelley

There are thousands of gemstones found in earth's crust which cost around few thousands to million of dollars per carat. Generally, the price of these gemstones depend on size and quality. We get to see such gemstones in the jewellery worn by rich and famous personalities like actors, actresses, models, royal families etc. Here are few of these gemstones rings that are common and can be seen in hands of royal families:

1. Diamond: Diamond is one of the common precious gemstones found in different types of jewels.  It can be found in various colors like pink, white, blue etc.

Diamond ring

2. Ruby: Good quality rubies are rarely seen now. Small rubies are common but transparent Burmese rubies are rare now. Its commonly found in various jewellery items like earrings, necklaces, bangles etc

Red coral ring

3. Sapphires: Sapphires are other common gemstones that are used in various rings. These can be easily seen in the fingers of Bollywood stars like Amitabh Bachchan and Indian cricketers. Two common sapphires are blue sapphire and yellow sapphire.

Yellow Sapphire Ring

Blue sapphire Ring

4. Emerald: Emerald belongs to the family of minerals named beryls and the expensive emeralds can be easily seen in the rings of actresses around the world. Emeralds are available in different colors
and red emeralds are quite expensive and rarely available. 

Emeral ring

Emerald ring

5. Tourmaline: Another mineral from the family of beryls but quite beautiful and expensive in nature.
Tourmaline ring

6. Opals: Opals are known as 'beauty queens'. A beautifully glittering gem that can be seen in the finger of famous bollywood actress, Aishwary Rai.

Opal ring

7. Pearls: Low quality pearls are very common but expensive pearls of Basra are now rarely seen. Other than white colored pearls, pearls exist in colors like black, yellow etc  
Pearl ring

8. Tanzanite: Best quality tanzanites are found in the mountains of Tanznia, Africa. Its a beautiful gemstone that changes color in the presence of yellow light
tanzanite ring

9. Zultanite: Its another gemstone that is found near the mines where alumina is extracted. Its one of the expensive gemstones that can be seen in auction or jewellery of rich personalities.

zultanite ring

10.  Garnets: Garnets are available in different colors and are quite expensive and common in jewellery outside India.

Red garnet ring

Green garnet ring

Purple garrnet ring

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How to select a perfume or deodorant
How to select a handbag
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1 comment:

  1. Excellent information with unique content and it is very useful to know about the information based on blogs.
    gemstones rings

