Wednesday, 29 October 2014

How to select a Mascara

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Eye makeup is incomplete without mascara. Selecting a good mascara is like selecting a dress for a party. A mascara not only defines your eye lashes but also highlight the areas close to it. Before you buy a mascara, check few things so that your eyelashes look flawless, vibrant and eye catching: 1. The most important thing to check before starting with a mascara is the type of eyelashes you have and the type of lashes you want...

Friday, 24 October 2014

Home remedies for hair care

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HAir care remedies
You do not always need an expensive product to take care of your hair. There are many natural products that can be applied in place of hair cosmetics. These products are easily available and can be applied without much effort. If are not a big fan of cosmetics like me and rely more on home remedies, then try these:  1. Gooseberry (Amla): Gooseberry is an ancient known herb used especially for hair care. A number of cosmetics...

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Hair care tips

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Hair care tips
Hair need as much care as other parts of body. Some of us really love our hair and give extra effort and time for making it more rich and sumptuous. Shiny and healthy hair are something which we all love to have and protection and care is really the demand of such hair. Here are few easy tips that will protect your hair from easily getting damaged and losing its natural shine: ...

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

15 easy DIY hairstyles

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DIY Hairstyles
Check these easy  DIY braids cum hairstyles. Few tips for beginners: 1. Remember the steps you followed for making these hairstyles, otherwise you might mess up with your hair while opening these hairstyles. Follow exactly reverse steps from end to beginning from tutorial images for opening your hair style. 2. Download the images and zoom well to clearly view the steps followed for making a particular hairstyle. 1. Image so...

Monday, 13 October 2014

Early symptoms of hair loss and premature graying

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Pre-symptoms of hair fall
The nerves leading to the scalp need a regular supply of nutrition for nourishment of hair. If the flow of blood stream is reduced, the hair do not get sufficient nutrition to grow and this leads to hair problems like hair loss and premature graying. If conditions worsen, it can result in baldness later. Here are few common diseases and pre symptoms that can lead to hair fall later: ...

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Language of jewellery

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Language of Jewellery
Jewelry is an important fashion accessory and women around the world like to wear. The type of jewelry one wears can tell about the type of personality, emotional status, behavior of the person. Whatever one wears or choose has emotions and choices behind it. Here are few things that can be inferred from the type of jewelry one wears: ...

Monday, 6 October 2014

10 recipes to keep face clear and glowing

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Clean and clear face
A beautiful and clear face is something every woman desires to have. There are no shortcuts but a right diet and nutrients can help a lot to clear the dark spots and rough, uneven or dull areas of face. Leading actresses and models follow diet plans and insist on more natural diet than junk food. If you follow few simple remedies and stick to them for few weeks or months, getting a clear skin will become an easy task. Here's what you...

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Avon Advance Techniques Daily Shine Shampoo review

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Avon Advance Techniques Daily Shine Shampoo
Hello friends! Greetings of the Navratri festival to all of you! I have tried anti dandruff shampoos, shampoos for preventing hair fall, repairing damaged hair etc but never gone for a hair shine shampoo. So, I bought my first hair shine shampoo and here's all my experiences with it: Product Name: Avon Advanced technique daily shine shampoo Product Claims:  Gently cleanses hair, leaving it shiner and more manageable....
